23 Nisan 2012 Pazartesi

State of TheTrooper97

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Holy Crap, where to begin. Life changes, what can I say? I'm in G-vegas at Starbucks on Woodruff rd. I mean, 26 months ago I was sitting in this same place writing about the fact that I was leaving for Las Vegas. Now I am where I am. So where am I? Excellent question, and while I'm glad you asked, it's tough to answer.

First off, I'm broke. I played poker for 5 months in Cherokee but I didn't work hard enough. See, I'm an emotional person. I'm very vibe oriented and I've been going through some tough times in the parts of life outside of poker and so I didn't play as much as I should have. So spending caught up with me and now I'm on the job hunt. I have a little money on stars which I'm trying to work up by 12-tabling $5.20 double or nothing SNGs, but that's about it for poker. I thought I had a gig dealing a G-vegas game but that fell apart as quickly as I got excited about it.

I do not plan to give up on poker. I proved in Cherokee over a 5 month period that I'm profitable. I think that $530 for 20-25 hours per week in a 1-2 game while buying in for only $100 at a pop is pretty damned good. I was just way too distracted to give what I needed to give to the game. I didn't put in the hours. I learned from that though and I truely believe that if I had just one more shot at it I would plug that hole and really succeed. So I guess I should explain a little about why I was so distracted and why I'm not going back to Cherokee for another shot.

I'm in love. No, seriously, I really am. Sure I had a tough year, what with the discovering of Drew and I've dealt with a lot. I've dealt with it mostly on my own even though I admit I probably should have had professional help. I'm just glad I never actually gave in to the temptation of jerking the wheel and sending my troubles off a bridge while speeding along I-40. If I didn't do it over the guilt and regret of not being with Drew for the first 16 years of her life, I'll never do it. I think that's good news. The love thing is a whole other matter. Don't get me wrong, it's a good thing that I'm in love, but there are complications and love itself is indeed a huge distraction. We'll talk more about my love a bit later.

So I've decided to pursue a career, not just a job. I have my eye on a company with which I'm very familiar. I think I could be happy working for this company and I believe my personality and prior customer service experience are a perfect match. I have begun the process of going after a job and I'll fill you in a bit later on the progress. I'm also looking to move to another town. This is gonna be a tough thing to do with no money, but I always find a way and I can't figure why this time should be any different. If I can move 2100 miles from G-vegas to real Vegas with no money, believe me, I can do this.

As far as poker goes, I'll mostly play online for now. I am trying new things and I'm looking into the future to try and visualize where poker will fit in. It will fit in, I just don't have the details at the moment. Poker will never be far from my mind though. As we speak I'm listening to news radio 840 KXNT from Las Vegas on AOL radio and I'm hearing traffic reports and that just makes me feel like I'm there.

As far as love goes, well, you know how that goes. Wish me luck!

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