14 Nisan 2012 Cumartesi

Diagnosis... Almost

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I just heard something crappy.  Somebody snatched the tip jar from this Starbucks last week.  How scummy.  It was some fifteen year old kid from what I'm hearing.  I suppose he's just one of many fifteen year olds that need the crap kicked out of them.

So I went to the doctor ten days ago as I said I would and it was not as scary as I thought.  He asked me some questions and such and I liked the guy.  He had a good personality for a doctor and I feel like he's competent.  He seemed to have the same suspicion of psoriatic arthritis.  He suggested that I take more ibuprophen and he ordered some blood tests and another urine analysis.  So monday, I went to a place that offers a 30% discount to the uninsured and still had to fork over $400 to have quite a few tests done.  The lady stuck me with a couple needles and I peed in a cup.  Then, a few days later, I got a call from the doctor's office just to be informed of some issues.  Supposedly, my CRP (C-reactive protien) is elevated, thyroid is borderline (not sure if it's borderline high or low), and the rheumatology test was positive, at least I think that's how she put it.

I have an appointment to see the doc tomorrow to discuss the results of the tests but I have googled these things a bit.  The elevated CRP indicates inflammation throughout the body.  Obviously the rheumatolgy refers to arthritis which in my case would be an inflammitory type, if it is related to psoriasis.  I'm not sure what the thyroid thing is about.  Tomorrow, we'll discuss results and treatment.  I'm worried, but I'm ready to get it over with.

I've had a mediocre week with poker.  I'm up, but I've barely covered the $800 make up and the hotel for two weeks.  That's not bad really, I just need to run well up into the black over the next four days.  That shouldn't be a problem.  I just haven't found many good spots and I'm having trouble fading draws.  Had I faded a naked flush draw for an $1100 pot a few days ago, we'd be looking much better.  "I tried to make it look like a set," the guy said after I called $350 on the turn and the river produced his card.  "It didn't." was my only reply.

I'll be playing through thursday and then friday morning I'll be driving back to columbia, SC to witness something amazing.  Drew will be graduating high school that day.  How is that possible?  I'm just a kid myself!

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