14 Nisan 2012 Cumartesi

Sleeping Garage

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What a night. I knew when I drove up the mountain yesterday that Cherokee was booked for the Labor Day weekend. Not just the main hotel, mind you, but the whole town! I was committed though and decided to drive up anyway. I arrived around 9:00pm and got some food. By 9:45 I was seated and getting raped by the cards.

The poker room last night, as usual, was filled with kindergarten level players. Getting the money in good is not usually a problem, but the cards are really crushing me lately. The last time I played here I got $175 in on the flop as about a 7-1 favorite holding top set. The guy didn't even catch his ace. The deck instead decided to puke out running diamonds to send him the $449 pot. Last night, it seemed that I'd picked up right where I left off. Naked flush draw? Sure, put $220 into the $10 pot against my top two and get there. AK on an 888 flop against my KK? Why not, the 8 is obviously hitting the river. Ace high good.

At 5:00am, I justifiably put $250 into the pot, pre-flop, holding deuces. I was getting 4-1 against AA and KK. I'd re-raised a dummy who made it $20 from the C/O following about 7 limpers. I made it $125 to go and the guy on my left made it $400. Shit. Once it got back to me, I was getting right at 4-1 for my last $127 and decided to take the shot. I'm a little less than 4-1 to win, but whatever. It was crazy, I didn't get there, and off to bed I went.

But wait... I didn't have a bed to go to! There were no rooms available and I was down $700 for the night. Even if there was a room, I wasn't willing to pay for one. Fortunately, it got down to around 40 degrees last night in Cherokee so my plan to sleep in the car was not a terrible one. I reclined the seat, threw an Iron Maiden T-shirt over my eyes, and slept until 10:00am.

When I woke up, the sun was baking me. I'd pulled up to the top deck of the parking garage because it was darker there. At 10:00 though, it was extremely bright and getting hot. I cranked the Cavalier, then the A/C, and then drove down to the 7th level. I was trying to go back to sleep but my bladder was having none of it. I had to make my way down to the second floor and make friends with a urinal, and by that time, eyes burning only a little, I was ready to get back to work. I got a coffee and hit the room. 3 1/2 hours later I was up $500 and decided to lock it up and check into my room for tonight. I'm on my way there now, but stopped at Tribal Grounds to grab a coffee and update this blog which I've allowed to slip for far too long.

So here we are. It's 3:15pm on Monday. I'm down $200 for the trip. That's not too bad. I'm gonna go get the room and then I gotta hit the pavement for an hour or so to work on this weight-loss bet. The bet is small but I want to win. I'm eating raw veggies non-stop and drinking lots of water. I'm getting healthy! Win or lose the bet, I'm creating a lifestyle change that I'm more determined than ever to stick to. GL me on that because it's only going to help me in all areas of my life. After the run, I'll shower (I need it) and hit the room again tonight. Tomorrow I'm supposed to deal so let's get this money while we can!

Come on you Irons!!!

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