14 Nisan 2012 Cumartesi

2-1, Driving to Poker

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Who knows what I was thinking. Well, I was only sort of joking when I sent a text to xpenginx suggesting that we go to West Virginia for one night of poker. I did that at about noon on friday and never expected him to want to go. Two hours later we were on the highway.

What made this poker trip absurd was that we both had to be back in SC on Saturday and the drive is six hours each way. Really? Did we decide to embark on a journey that would put us driving twice as many hours as would have to play poker? Yes, we really did. I was just ready to go anywhere and if I ended up someplace where I could pick up poker chips with my hand and fling them into a pot, then I was ready to go.

About four and a half hours into the drive I looked up from fiddling with my iPod and payed attention for the first time in awhile to where we were at the moment. The trip should be easy enough because once you get on I-77, it's one road the whole way. I drove it once from Columbia, SC and 77 took me all the way to the casino. Knowing this, I wasn't even looking at signs and was barely even watching the road itself. That became a problem though when I looked up and noticed the large billboard welcoming us to Tennessee. WTF? Somehow we went the wrong way around where I-81 and I-77 merge together and then separate again. We actually drove an hour and twenty minutes out of the way which meant we added two hours and forty minutes to the already too-long drive. I may have failed to mention that I was driving. There, I admitted it. I was driving.

We finally made our way to Charleston, WV where we had a room at the Best Western Plaza Hotel right downtown. We checked in, dropped our bags and headed as quickly as possible to the casino. We were seated around 11:30 and being the casino closes at 5:00am on friday night, I got right to work. I dabbled in a few pots and got into the 1-2 game for $300. I flopped a set and had to pitch it on the river. I made a profitable call for a gutshot on a flop and missed. I called a guy down with pocket sixes on the end because I knew I was good based on his behavior. You know, I played poker and wasted no time.

I swung up and down a little and finally flopped a boat holding 65 from the SB in a raised pot. I didn't have to put too much effort into getting paid and it didn't hurt that a guy drew all the way down on the paired board and hit his straight on the river. At 4:00am, xpenginx was done and so I quit with a $160 uptick. We hit the hotel, slept for 5 hours and then drove back to SC for the Saturday night game.

The drive back was rough for me even though xpenginx drove the entire way. I just couldn't hold my eyes open and was dreading the thought of dealing poker all night. When the game started at ten 'till 7:00pm I felt fine. But around 3:00am I started falling asleep between dealing each street on the hands. It was rough as hell but I made it through and at 5:00 the game was over. The hour long drive home kicked me in the balls but once I was back in G-vegas ,I slept like I haven't slept in awhile.

So it's Monday, I'm at the office (Starbucks) and I'm about to start working on some online poker. I'd rather not report on the progress of the steps right now which should tell you how it's going anyway. I'm certainly not done. The fact that I had the opportunity to play step 7 three times already with a minimal deposit is exciting. I feel like it's meant to be so why piss off fate by not playing? I should also get back into the swing of the turbo 45's on Stars. What I'd really like to be doing is lying a a beach somewhere. I really want to be on a proper vacation. That's not in the cards this week but perhaps next week. I'm actually taking on extra work this week by dealing that other game I used to deal sometimes. G-vegasites know, the one downtown.

I do still have the New York trip to look forward to. Did I mention that? Oh yea, I have been slacking on the blog sooo hard. Drew and I are flying to NYC on July 12th. We're gonna wander around the city all day and then we're going to see the greatest show on Earth, Iron Maiden at Madison Square Garden. Drew has never been to NY and I can't wait to show it to her. Thanks to those who turned me on to Stubhub.com, I never knew such existed. The show sold out quickly and I was too broke to get tickets at that time, but Stubhub, a place where people sell their tickets to shows and events and what not, had about 500 tickets. I paid $345 for two tickets but it will definately be worth it. The show will be spectacular and I can't put a price on spending a couple days with Drew.

Till next time,
Snookie... DO WORK!

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