14 Nisan 2012 Cumartesi


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Wow, I'm sitting in front of my laptop and it is not acting like a retarded monkey.  That's because I FINALLY bought a new one!  I'm a little excited about it.  I didn't go overboard, just got what I needed.  It's modest but it's brand spanking new.  I feel confident that it's not about to burst into flames and I haven't felt that in a long time.

It's Monday and I'm still in Greenville.  I decided to take an extra day this week and rest, but don't you worry, I'll be back in Jacksonville shortly.  I had a record week last week, ending with my first 5-10 no-limit session. 

I walked into the poker room friday evening about 7:00pm.  There were about 8 names on the 5-10 list so I sat 2-5 for about thirty minutes until they started a new game.  When they called for the new 5-10 game, I was up $109.  I walked over to table 13 and sat in seat 7 with $509.

The game started and I was a little more selective than usual about limping preflop.  I went straight into recon mode and studied who was at the table.  Immediately I took note of seat 4.  He was an older asian man and who did not hesitated to put in stacks with just about any two cards.  Bottom pair, gutshot draws, overs, it just didn't seem to matter to him.  Seat 5 was a good player I'd begun associating with over the last couple of weeks and my intention was to avoid him.  Seat one's biceps were a bit to large for the rest of him, including his game.  He talked as if he plays higher stakes and of course he thinks he's good.  He's not.  Seat 2 thought he was Phil Laak.  He wasn't.  Seat 6 seemed to still be in first grade, poker wise.  He played weak and got punished for it.  Seat 4 was tight and seat 8, on my left, was the most aggressive player at the table.  I watched him as he ran his stack up into the 4K range bur really didn't get to see enough from him.  There will be for time for that in the future.

I really just played tight pre-flop and tried to give myself time to feel the effects of the higher blinds.  Some of these guys were opening to $120 and $70-$100 seemed standard.  They wanted to make big pots.  I still had slightly more than $500 when seat 3 raised pre to $40.  Two guys called and I called from the SB with 7c6c.  Seat 1 called and we saw the flop five ways.  762 with two hearts fell onto the board and I led straight out for $150.  Seat 1 called and 3 and 4 folded.  The action reached seat 5 and having me covered, he shoved.  I called right behind him and seat 1, to my surprise, called as well.  The turn brought the Ac, the river the 4c and I turned up my two pair.  Once again surprised, I drug the $1590 main pot.  A small side pot went to seat 1 who held Kh6h and seat 5 showed down QhJh.

Since this was friday night, and I was scheduled to get up the next morning and drive back to SC to deal poker all night, I was planning to leave early.  Three and a half hours after my first 5-10 hand, I bailed out with an uptick of $1146.  Add that to the $109 I picked up at 2-5 and $1255 was a great total to add to my already record-breaking week. Let's hope the upticking continues.

This week I'm planning to skip the SC game on saturday night.  I've never stayed in Jacksonville through the weekend so I'm interested to find out what the games are like.  I'd like to get a nice start to the week and maybe get back at the 5-10 by saturday but I don't make solid plans and just go with the flow.  That works so let's just wait and see...

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