Stay tuned for more fun in the Las Vegas sun!
1 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi
My workplace!
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Contrary to popular belief my days are not filled lounging by the poolside drinking wine and eating bon bons! I do have to work for a living! I work with my husband in our business of estimating cars for various insurance companies. He leaves in the early morning to make a complete route around the city seeing all the cars I made appointments for, I then have time to clean house, eat, run errands and then go to the office around 11:00...from then on it is work, calling customers, entering files, closing files, etc. When we first arrived 11 years ago we ran the business out of our home, then we moved to a little office 3 miles from the house. Now that Charlie rents a race shop and it came with a little office attached, we made the decision to move into the race shop to cut costs, that move is going to save us 250.00 a month. Here is my new workspace:
It has a bathroom, a parts room, and then one door leads out into the race shop which is a big warehouse with lots of race cars and tools. I will take more pictures tomorrow. I have been so busy getting everything organized and comfy that I am exhausted and I still need to do a little more tweaking on the space, the window needs tinted and all charlie's pictures need to be hung, oh and if you are wondering what that photo is above my bulletin board, it is Lake Havasu sandbar 1999, that is one giant mass of boats and we are smack dab in the middle of it, I love that photo more then anything, those were some good old days I never want to forget, thanks Joe and Mary! I hope we have 11 more years of work in our tiny little office by the shop!
Stay tuned for more fun in the Las Vegas sun!
Stay tuned for more fun in the Las Vegas sun!
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