That tattoo was an original design drawn up by Shane at Skin Factory.
I chose Lucky because I am so lucky to have a man who loves me unconditionally. He gives me a wonderful life to live and for that I am so lucky to have him to love. Original Design by Jaci (Hart & Huntington Tattoo)
My fourth tattoo will be a little remembrance to my mom and charlies mom. It will be the quote from shawshank redemption, "Get busy living or get busy dying" written across both my wrists. It will make me remember to live life each day to the fullest, not to stop and shut down and give up. I need this tattoo. Our moms could have done so much more with the last part of their lives and they chose to do nothing but hole up in their little mobile homes and wait to die. I cannot let that happen to me...I want to get healthy and stay active, to do more with what I have, there are so many options out there even on limited incomes you can find so many free or low cost things to do, but you have to get out there and find them!!
My fifth tattoo will be a guitar with wings, the guitar will have SRV on it (for Stevie Ray Vaughan) and under it will say "Little Wing" a nickname from a dear friend that I will cherish forever. Although SRV covered the song from another great, "Jimi Hendrix" I just love the way SRV interprets it with his guitar. it is beautiful music!
So there you have it my art from the heart....now, if I can only get my hubby all inked up I would be a real happy girl!
Here is a photo of Christy and Rebecca's new tattoos they got this weekend, pretty nice, Ganesh in an Ohm: They went to Sin City Tattoo (trop and pecos) and Nate worked on them. Nice Guy!
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