26 Eylül 2012 Çarşamba

#4 More France

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Monday the 10th, we arrive at our second port, Villefranche. The French Riviera is a posh destination for the rich socialites and celebrities. The riviera stretches from St. Tropez to Menton, it includes such towns as Cannes, Nice, Monte Carlo. Monte Carlo belongs to the Principality of Monaco, governed independently and ruled by Prince Albert II, a direct descendant of the Grimaldi family who have reigned since 1275.
Our excursion for the day will be a bus ride to Monaco and Monte Carlo.
We drive along the coast and pass the place where Grace Kelly crashed her car and flew off a cliff, we also pass villas on the hillside belonging to Elton John and Bono. We arrive at the Jacques Cousteau Museum, there were no tours that allowed us entrance to the museum, which was odd, as we would have surely chose to go. Instead we tour the mausoleum where Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier are buried. I do not like to photograph burial plots, I find it offensive. Call me odd.
We are now free to roam the little streets filled with shops and cafes. We also get to see the Palace of  Prince Albert II, he actually has guards who march back and forth out front!
We finally board the bus and head off to Monte Carlo.
When we arrive we have to walk up to the Casino parkway, it is a bustling place with the rich dining alfresco, we are allowed to walk around but I was not feeling well so I chose to sit down at the meeting point and rest. I don't really enjoy seeing such lavishness and opulence, some people are just too rich and it gets a little disgusting with their extravagance. I did enjoy the view of the marina with all the beautiful boats and yachts. Yes, I would splurge on a yacht in a heartbeat!
We head back to the ship for a relaxing dinner and more music trivia in the schooner bar! We really rock those games, we are such music lovers in this family!!
One of the highlights of the trip - those trivia games!
Jacques little sub!

Information about Princess Grace Kelly, she is quite famous, held to a high revere, like Princess Diana!

Marching Guard!
The Clock Tower of the Prince's Palace

The world famous Monte Carlo Casino!

The Monte Carlo Harbour!

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